segunda-feira, 3 de novembro de 2014

Sobrenatural - Supernatural.

  Falando agora dos atores de Supernatural. Danneel Harris a esposa de Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester), postou ontem uma foto da filha deles Justice junto com Thomas e Sherp os filhos de Jared Padalecki( Sam winchester) e Genevieve (Ruby). Danneel e Genevieve passaram o Halloween juntas e fantasiaram os três lindinhos.

Now speaking of the actors of Supernatural. Danneel Harris's wife Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester), yesterday posted a photo of their daughter along with Justice Thomas and Sherp the children of Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester) and Genevieve (Ruby). Danneel and Genevieve spent Halloween together and fantasized three lindinhos. 

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          Thomas, Justice e Sherp.
          Thomas, Justice and Sherp.

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